Are you excited by that title? I know I am ! We are having a Huge CT call competition. There are no eliminations, no points, just scrapping, and choosing our new CT members. But we would like to get to know you, and this will give you time to get to know us, and get comfortable in our community. And that is important, because we want our CT to be active in the awesome Brownie Scraps Community!
So to enter here is what you need to do, go to
this thread, and read all the details and follow the instructions =). We will be looking for general store CTs, as well as CTs that will specialize for each designer. Each designer will be looking for 1-2, so thats 8-16 spots. We will also have few general store CTs, so as you can see, since right now we only have 4 people, that is a big gap to fill! Personally I will be looking for 2 people to specialize as my CT. So if you like my products, please GO SIGN UP. Being on the CT will not only give you access to ALL my products for free, but the entire store!
Speaking of my products, I have a new kit coming out this weekend for this weeks designer challenge. Here is a
quick page i did for you of it! and the kit preview. Pick up the kit for free
here for this week only